#Blogtober2021 Day 19: When your heart’s not in it, maybe then you stop.

Photo by Monstera on Pexels.com

This may be my last post of the week. This “daily blogging” thing was a fun idea, but I just don’t know if I can keep up with the demand. There’s just too much clamoring for my mind and heart right now. I don’t have anyting of value to give you, and I already feel like I’ve been wasting your time.

I lost another extended family member this morning. Again, Covid plus chronic health issues. Still hurts.

I’m also feeling overwhelmed with a lot of little life details right now, unrelated to that. So the added weight of that just makes the rest of it a bit harder.

I’m going to be fine. I just need to take care of some other things right now. Blogging must wait.

When I have something to say, I promise I’ll be back to say it. And hey, just making it this far into the month, I’ve already posted more than I have the previous 6 months or so combined. So we can call that a success.

Talk to you later, friends.